P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA, 19081-- brandywine@juno.com
The Brandywine Peace Community is excited to announce a new campaign that pledges to turn the anti-war majority in the country toward a focused campaign of active nonviolent opposition to the Iraq war.THE DECLARATION OF PEACE http://declarationofpeace.org/ will unite organizations and individuals across the nation to take action to end the US war in Iraq.
THE DECLARATION OF PEACE is a pledge to take peaceful steps for the immediate withdrawal of US troops and to engage in nonviolent action protest if a plan to end the war is not established and begun by September 21, 2006 -- International Peace Day -- days before Congress adjourns.
Between now and September across the U.S. we will:
- Hold the first Philadelphia DECLARATION OF PEACE Public Signing Program on July 3rd, 7PM, in front of Phila. Federal Building, 6th & Market Sts., Phila., PA. Thousands of people, celebrating the 4th of July, will gather in the Independence Hall/Liberty Bell area of Philadelphia where that other Declaration was signed. There, the DECLARATION OF PEACE will be declared! Read the names of the war dead - Intone the bell of peace, bang the drums of resistance. Join the call of local religious and community leaders. Make the Demands of the Declaration of Peace. Prepare to Resist. Take the DECLARATION OF PEACE Pledge. Prior to the DECLARATION OF PEACE Pledge Signing Program, Marching Bands for Peace will assemble at 6PM, 2nd
& Market Sts, for a drum and fife peace parade to the Phila. Federal Building for the Declaration of Peace Program. Join the Declare Peace Parade!
- Call on the Bush Administration and Congress to end the war;
- Ask candidates in the fall elections to support legislation that brings the troops home and cuts off funding for the war;
- Participate in activities leading up to September 21, including marches, vigils, and national phone-ins and e-mail campaigns;
- Prepare for September with public Declaration signings, events, and nonviolence trainings to be scheduled.
If the September 21 deadline is not met, Declaration signers will engage in peaceful action in Washington, DC, at Congressional offices and sites throughout the nation from September 21-28. In the spirit of Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, some signers will be led by conscience to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience and risk arrest as a way to signify their principled opposition to the U.S. war in Iraq.
Nonviolent action will continue until the United States withdraws from Iraq.
Join us. Right now you can sign the DECLARATION OF PEACE pledge online, visit the DECLARATION OF PEACE: http://declarationofpeace.org/
Here in the greater Philadelphia area, we ask you not only to sign up online at the above site, but also to visit the BRANDYWINE PEACE COMMUNITY website, www.brandywinepeace.com, to fill out and return the pledge - either by e-mail at brandywine@juno.com or by regular mail - to: Brandywine Peace Community, P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA 19081.
In the coming weeks and months, we will be convening organizing meetings, holding public DECLARATION OF PEACE pledge signings (starting with the first Philadelphia DECLARATION OF PEACE Public Signing on July 3rd at 7PM, in front of Phila. Federal Building, 6th & Market Sts., Phila., PA.), holding congressional visits and demonstrations, seeking support endorsement from area groups, and include the Declaration of Peace pledge in all our anti-war action plans, August 6 - 9 Hiroshima/Nagasaki anniversary commemorations, and nonviolent resistance at Lockheed Martin.
DECLARATION OF PEACE flyers and pledges will be available for your group, faith community, or community organization. To become involved in the Phila. area Declaration of Peace campaign, email brandywine@juno.com or call the Brandywine Peace Community, 610-544-1818.